Name | Min. | Light | Fertilise | Watering (Germany) |
Abromeitiella brevifolia | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Achimenes | 10°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Achimenes tuberosa | 10°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Adansonia digitata | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Adansonia fony | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Adenia aculeata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenia aculeata ssp. aculeata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenia ballyi | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Adenia cladosepala | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Adenia digitata | 6°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Adenia ecirrosa | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Adenia elegans | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Adenia ellenbeckii | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Adenia epigea (green leaf) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Adenia firingalavensis | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Adenia fruticosa | 6°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Adenia fruticosa v. natalensis (grafted) | 6°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Adenia glauca | 6°C | sunny | much |  |
Adenia glauca | 6°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Adenia globosa ssp. globosa | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Adenia goetzei | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenia goetzei (broad leaf) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenia goetzei (green, lanceolate leaf) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenia goetzei (leaf with red veins) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenia gummifera v. gummifera | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Adenia hastata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenia heterophylla | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Adenia inermis | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Adenia karibaensis | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Adenia keramanthus | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenia keramanthus | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Adenia kirkii | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Adenia kirkii | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Adenia lanceolata | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Adenia lanceolata ssp. scheffleri | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Adenia lindenii | 6°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Adenia monodelpha (tuber with warts) | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Adenia olaboensis | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Adenia ovata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenia pechuelii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenia peltata? | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Adenia pseudoglobosa | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Adenia racemosa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenia repanda | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenia sp. (narrow leaf) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenia sp. aff. perrieri | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Adenia sp. aff. perrieri, IZ 083 | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Adenia sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Adenia sp. nov. | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Adenia sp. nov. aff. ovata | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Adenia sp., LAV 30037 | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Adenia spinosa | 6°C | sunny | much |  |
Adenia spinosa | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Adenia stenodactyla | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenia stenodactyla (highland form) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenia stenodactyla (miombo form) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenia stenodactyla (miombo form) | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Adenia stenodactyla (savanna form) | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Adenia stylosa (red leaf) | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Adenia subsessilifolia | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenia venenata | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Adenia volkensii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium arabicum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium boehmianum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium boehmianum × swazicum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium crispum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium crispum x boehmianum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium obesum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium obesum × swazicum cv. Crimson Star (blood-red flower) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium obesum v. multiflorum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium oleifolium | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium socotranum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium somalense | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium somalense v. crispum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium somalense v. nov. | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium somalense v. somalense | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium sp. (red leaf, selected clone) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium sp. (variegated leaf, selected clone) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium sp. (variegated, grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium sp. cv. Pink Jumbo (XL flowers, pink) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium sp. cv. Sano White (white flower) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium sp. cv. Three (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium sp. cv. White Sprite (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adenium swazicum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Adromischus cristatus v. zeyeri | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Adromischus marianiae 'Little Spheroid' | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Adromischus marianiae v. alveolatus | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Adromischus marianiae v. herrei | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Adromischus marianiae v. immaculata | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Aeollanthus alternatus | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Aeollanthus sp. nov. | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Aeollanthus subacaulis v. linearis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Aeollanthus subacaulis v. nov. | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Aeollanthus subacaulis v. subacaulis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Aeollanthus subacaulis v. subacaulis (giant form) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Aeonium decorum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aeonium domesticum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aeonium glandulosum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aeonium glutinosum | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Aeonium lecoblepharum, LN 3196 | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aeonium mascarense | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aeonium spathulatum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aeonium tabuliforme | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aeonium tortuosum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave albescens | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave albipilosa | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave attenuata 'Raea's Gold' | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave celsii (variegata) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave celsii 'Multicolor' | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave celsii v. albicans | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave cerulata ssp. nelsonii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave chiapensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave chrysantha | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave colorata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave 'Cornelius' | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave cv. Blue Glow (attenuata x ocahui) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave cv. Joehawk (variegata) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave cv. Oki-Kisyoten | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave desertii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave desertii v. simplex | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave desmettiana 'Variegata' | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave filifera VARIEGATA (northern type) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave flexiflora | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave funkiana 'Fatal Attraction' | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave gentryi | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave gentryi 'Jaws' | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave ghiesbreghtii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave gigantensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave goldmaniana | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave guiengola 'Creme Brulee' | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave harvadiana | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave havardiana | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave horrida v. perolensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave impressa | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave isthmensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave isthmensis cv. Ohi Raijin Shiro Nakufa | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave kerchovei | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave lechuguilla | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave leopoldii 'Hammer Time' | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave lophanta | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave lophantha (variegata) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave lophantha 'Splendida' | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave macroacantha | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave mckelveyana | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave multifilifera | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave neomexicana, SB 87 | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave nizandensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave ocahui v. ocahui | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave ornithobroma | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave palmeri | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave parrasana 'Meat Claw' | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave parryi | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave parryi 'Cream Spike' | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave parryi ssp. truncata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave parryi v. couesii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave parryi v. huachensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave parryi v. huachucensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave patonii (variegata) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave patonii VARIEGATA cv. Ohikitsusyote Nisiki | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave polianthiflora | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave polyacantha | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave potatorum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave potatorum 'Kissho Kan' | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave pumila | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave pygmaea | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave rzedowskiana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave salmiana | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave salmiana 'Mr. Ripple' | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave scabra | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave scabra, PP 227 | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave schidigera 'Black Widow' | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave schidigera 'Shira ito noOhi' | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave schottii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave striata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave stricta | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave stricta v. rubra | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave titanota | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave toumeyana | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave toumeyana v. bella | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave triangularis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave univittata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave utahensis v. eborispina | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave utahensis v. kaibabensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave utahensis v. nevadensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave utahensis v. nevadensis, REP 31 | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave utahensis, DJF 1521 | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave verschaffeltii v. minima | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave victoriae-reginae | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave victoriae-reginae 'Kazo Bana' | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Agave xylonacantha | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Albuca aurea | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Albuca fastigiata v. floribunda | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Albuca glauca | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Albuca longifolia | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Albuca polyphylla | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Albuca shawii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Albuca spiralis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Albuca spiralis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Alluaudia ascendens | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Alluaudia comosa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Alluaudia dumosa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Alluaudia montagnacii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Alluaudia procera | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Alluaudia procera (cristate) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Alluaudiopsis fiherenensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Alluaudiopsis marnierana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe abyssicola | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe aculeata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe acutissima v. antanimorensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe acutissima v. fiherenensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe acutissima v. itampolensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe affinis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe ahmarensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe albida | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe albiflora | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe alooides | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe angelica | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe antandroi | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe antonii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe arborescens | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe argyrostachys | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe armatissima | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe armatissima sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe armatissima sp. nov. (red/pink) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe asperifolia | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe aurelienii | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Aloe bainesii (Syn.: barberae) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe bakeri, Heidelberg 72849 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe ballii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe belavenokensis | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Aloe bellatula | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe bernadetteae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe betsileensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe bosseri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe bowiea | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe boylei | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe branddraaiensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe branddraaiensis, H 6112 | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe brevifolia | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe brevifolia v. depressa | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe broomii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe buchlohii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe buhrii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe bulbicaulis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe bulbicaulis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe bulbicaulis (throthae ?) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe bulbilifera | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe bulbillifera v. pauliana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe burgersfortensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe calcairophila | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe cameronii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe camperi | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe cannellii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe capitata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe capitata v. angavoana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe capitata v. cipolinicola | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe capitata v. nov. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe capitata v. quarziticola | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe carolineae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe castanea | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe castilloniae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe chabaudii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe chabaudii v. nov. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe charlotteae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe citrea (yellow flower) | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Aloe citrina | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe claviflora | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe collenetae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe comosa | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe compressa ssp. schistophila | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe compressa v. compressa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe compressa v. rugosquamata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe compressa v. schistophila | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe comptonii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe confusa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe conifera | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe cooperi | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe cremersii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe cryptoflora | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe crytopoda | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe cv. A. cv. Doran Black x A. parvula | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe cv. A. laeta x A. ruffingiana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe cv. Blue Star | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe cv. D. Black x Snowflake | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe cv. Debra Zimmermann (A. confetii x KZ1) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe cv. Doran Black | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe cv. Doran Black × Snowflake | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe cv. perrieri x haworthioides | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe cv. Sky Rocket | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe cv. Snowflake (A. rauhii hybrid) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe decaryi | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe deltoideodonta v. amboahangiensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe deltoideodonta v. brevifolia | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe deltoideodonta v. fallax | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe descoignsii × haworthioides | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe descoingsii v. angustina | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe descoingsii v. descoingsii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe dewetii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe dhufarensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe dhufariensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe dichotoma | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe dinteri | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe dominella | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe dorotheae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe droseroides | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe dumetorum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe dyeri | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe ecklonis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe elegans | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe ellenbeckii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe ericetorum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe erinacea (from seed) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe erythrophylla | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe erytrophylla | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe excelsa | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe eximia | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe falcata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe falcata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe ferox | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe fievetii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe fievetii v. altimatsiatrae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe flexilifolia | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe fosteri | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe fouriei | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe fragilis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe gariepensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe gerstneri | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe glauca | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe grandidentata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe greatheadii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe haemanthifolia | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe hahnii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe hardyii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe harlana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe haworthioides | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe hazeliana v. howmanii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe helenae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe hereroensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe hoffmannii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe humilis (yellow) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe Hybrid | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe ibitiensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe imalotensis v. longeracemosa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe immaculata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe inermis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe inexpectata sp. nov. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe intermedia | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe inyangensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe inyangensis, CARTER 2706 | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe itremensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe jacksonii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe johannis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe johannis-philippei | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe jucunda | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe karasbergensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe khamiesensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe krapohliana v. dumoulinii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe krapohliana v. krapohliana | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe krausii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe laeta | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe lavranosii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe leandri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe leandrii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe lineata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe littoralis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe lomatophylloides | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Aloe longistyla | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe luntii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe macroclada | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe maculata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe madecassa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe mandotoensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe marlothii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe mawii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe medishiana sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe megalacantha | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe micracantha | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe microstigma | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe mitriformis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe mitriformis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe mitsioana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe mocamedensis sp. nov. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe monotropa | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe morijensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe mudenensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe munchii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe myriacantha | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe mzimbana | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe niebuhriana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe nubigena | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Aloe nuttii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe nuttii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe officinalis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe orientalis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe ortholopha | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe palmiformis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe parvibracteata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe parvidens | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe parviflora | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe parvula | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe parvula × descoignsii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe pearsonii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe peglerae | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe pendens | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe perryi | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe petricola | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe petrophila | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe pictifolia | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe pictifolia × humilis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe pillansii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe pirottae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe plicatilis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe pluridens | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe polyphylla | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe pratensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe pretoriensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe prinslooi | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe pronkii | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Aloe pruinosa | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe pseudoparvula | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe pseudorubroviolaceae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe pseudorubroviolaceae, S. COLLEN 2219 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe pubescens, UB 232 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe rabaiensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe ramosissima | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe rauhii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe rebmannii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe reitzii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe reynoldsii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe richardsiae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe richardsiae v. richardsiae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe richardsiae v. setosa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe rivae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe rubriolanata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe rubroviolacea | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe ruffingiana, JAA 438 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe rugosifolia | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe rupestris | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sabae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sabaea | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe saponaria | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe saudiarabica | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe saundersiae | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Aloe scabrifolia, PV 2502 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe schelpei | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe scorpioides | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe secundiflora | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe seretii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe shadenensis sp. nov. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sheilae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sinkatana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sladeniana | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe somaliensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe soutpansbergensis | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Aloe sp. aff. commutata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sp. aff. hereroensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sp. aff. tomentosa | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sp. cv. Dark Beauty | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sp. Katz ET 14 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sp. Katz ET 16 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sp. Katz ET 18 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sp. Katz ET 22 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sp. Katz ET 60 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sp. Katz ET 9 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sp. nov. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sp. nov. aff buchananii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sp. nov. aff. niebuhriana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sp. nov. aff. richardsiae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe sp. nov. ex. A. rabaiensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe speciosa | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe spectabilis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe spinitriaggregata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe squarrosa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe striata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe striatula | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe suarezensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe succotrina | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe suffulta | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe suprafoliata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe suprafoliolata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe suzannae (from seed) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe teissieri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe tewoldei | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe thompsoniae | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe thraski | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe tomentosa | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe tomentosa, RH 243 | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe trachyticola | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe tulearensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe turkanensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe umfoloziensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe vacillans | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe vacillans v. dhalensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe vaombe | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe vaotsanda | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe vera | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe verdoorniae | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe verecunda | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe veseyi | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe viguieri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe viridiflora | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe vogtsii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe vossii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe werneri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe whitcombei | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe wickensii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe wildii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe woolliana | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Aloe zebrina (Syn.: ammophila) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ammocharis coranica | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ammocharis longifolia | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ammocharis tinneana | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ammocharis tinneana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ammocharis tinneana (white flower) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Amorphophallus asterostigmatus | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Amorphophallus astroviridis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Amorphophallus impressus | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Syn.: campanulatus) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Anacampseros albidiflora | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros albiflora (rosette form) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros albissima | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros arachnoides | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros baeseckei | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros baeseckei, DT 2472 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros buderiana v. multiramosa | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros comptonii | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros dinteri | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros filamentosa ssp. tomentosa | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros herreana | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros karasmontana | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros lanceolata | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros lanceolata ssp. lanceolata | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros lubbersii | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros marlothii | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros meyeri | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros namaquensis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros namaquensis ("alta") | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros namaquensis, DT 4110 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros papyracea ssp. namaensis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros retusa | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros retusa, DT 4088 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros rufescens | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros rufescens v. nov. | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros sp. aff. baeseckei | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros sp. aff. parviflora | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros sp. nov., DT 2466 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros sp. nov., DT 2487 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros sp. nov., DT 4140 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros subnuda ssp. lubbersii | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros subnuda ssp. subnuda | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros telephiastrum | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Anacampseros ustulata | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Angolluma denboefii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Angolluma semitubiflora | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Anredera baselloides, RM 117 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Astroloba bullulata | 6°C | 30% shaded | low |  |
Astroloba corrugata | 6°C | 30% shaded | low |  |
Astroloba foliolosa (robust form) | 6°C | 30% shaded | low |  |
Avonia dinteri (pink flower) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Avonia harveyi sp. nov. | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Avonia papyracea ssp. papyracea | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Avonia quinaria ( RED flower ) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Avonia quinaria ( WHITE flower ) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Avonia recurvata | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Avonia recurvata ssp. recurvata | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Avonia ruschii | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Avonia specksii sp. nov. | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Avonia vespertina | 14°C | sunny | low |  |
Ballyanthus prognathus | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Beaucarnea gracilis | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Begonia dregei (Syn.: richardsiana) | 6°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Begonia dregei v. dregei | 6°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Begonia incana | 6°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Begonia partita | 6°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Beiselia mexicana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Bombacopsis cubensis | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Bombacopsis simplicifolium | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Bombax ellipticum | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Bombax palmeri | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Boophane disticha | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Boophane disticha | 6°C | sunny | much |  |
Boophane haemanthoides | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Boswellia ameero | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Boswellia dioscoridis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Boswellia elongata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Boswellia frereana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Boswellia nana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Boswellia neglecta | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Boswellia rivae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Boswellia sacra | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Boswellia socotrana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Bowiea kilimandscharica | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Bowiea volubilis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma angustum sp. nov. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma australe | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma barberae | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma bracteolatum sp. nov. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma brevipedicellatum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma brevipedicellatum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma brucea v. brucea | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma bruceae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma bruceae ssp. bruceae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma buchanani (flower with circles) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma buchanani (spotted flower) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma buchananii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma burchellii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma caffrum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma campanulatum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma caudatum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma chlorozonum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma chlorozonum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma christianae | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma circinatum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma circinatum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma circinatum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma coddii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma coddii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma cupulatum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma decipiens | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma delicatum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma dinteri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma discoideum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma dyeri | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma filifolium | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma filifolium (Syn.: Tenaris filifolia) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma foetidum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma foetidum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma gracile | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma gracile | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma huttonii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma incanum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma kerzneri | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma kituloensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma longifolium | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma ludewa kama matiri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma lutea | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma macropetalum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma malawiensis sp. nov. | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma maritae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma megasepalum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma meyerianum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma minimum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma minor | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma modestum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma nanum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma nanum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma nanum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma ngomense | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma oianthum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma plocamioides | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma plocamioides | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma plocamoides | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma plocamoides | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma praelongum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma pulchellum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma pygmaeum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma pygmaeum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma pygmaeum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma pygmaeum ssp. flavidum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma pygmaeum ssp. pygmaeum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma remotum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma sp. aff. floribundum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma sp. aff. kituloensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma sp. aff. lancasteri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma sp. aff. lancasteri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma sp. aff. plocamoides | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma sp. nov. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma sp.nov. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma stellatum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma stellatum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma tenellum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma tenue | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma thunbergii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma tuberosum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma tuberosum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma vahrmeijeri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brachystelma vahrmeyeri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brighamia insignis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brunsvigia bosmaniae | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brunsvigia grandiflora | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brunsvigia gregaria | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brunsvigia litoralis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brunsvigia marginata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brunsvigia radulosa | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Brunsvigia striata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Bulbine haworthioides | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Bulbine inae sp. nov. | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Bulbine sp. aff. mesembryanthoides | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Bursera fagaroides | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Bursera fagaroides (from seed) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Bursera hindsiana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Bursera microphylla | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Bursera odorata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Bursera simplicifolia | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Bursera sp. Oaxaca | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Calibanus hookeri | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Caralluma acutangula, PH 1420 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma adenensis, RH 300 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma adscendens ssp. carinata, RH 125 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma adscendens v. attenuata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma arabiaca, PH 1301 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma arachnoidea v. arachnoidea | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma awdeliana, PH 1300 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma burchardii v. burchardii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma cicatricosa, RH 221 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma circes | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma dalzielii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma edithae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma edulis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma europaea ssp. gussoneana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma flava v. albiflora, D.P. 9263 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma flava, D.P. 9253 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma flava, PH 1265 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma foetida | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma foulcheri-delboscii, RH 879 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma furta, PH 1442 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma hespiridum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma hexagona (green flower) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma hexagona v. septentrionalis, RH 202 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma hexagona, RH 834 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma joannis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma kalmbacheriana, PH 1238 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma kalmbacheriana, PH 1260 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma lavrani, RH 878 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma moniliformis (Syn.: Spathulopetalum) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma moniliformis (Syn.: Spathulopetalum,) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma moniliformis (Syn.:Spathulopetalum, clone B) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma peckii, PH 1418 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma penicillata, RH 249 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma penicillata, RH 830 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma petraea | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma plicatiloba | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma plicatiloba, RH 208 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma quadrangula, J. Zwart | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma quadrangula, RH 201 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma quadrangula, RH 835 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma quadrangula, RH 889 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma quadrangula, T.McCoy KSA 109 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma rauhii, PH 1262 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma rogersii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma sarkariae, RH 133 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma shadbana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma shadbana v. barhana, RH 899 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma shadhbana v. shadhbana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma sinaica v. baradii, RH 264 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma socotrana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma sp. aff. arachnoidea | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma sp. aff. peckii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma speciosa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma speciosa, PH 1401 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma speciosa, PH 1406 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma speciosa, PH 1422 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma stalagmifera | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma stalagmifera, DSCN 3339 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma subulata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma subulata, RH 291 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma subulata, RH 897 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma turneri, PH 1423 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma turneri, PH 1432 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Caralluma wissmannii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cephalopentandra ecirrhosa | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Ceraria fruticolosa | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Ceraria pygmaea | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Ceropegia africana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia aristolochioides ssp. deflersiana, S. COLLENETTE 7762 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia armandii | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia barklyi | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia barklyii | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia bosseri (Syn.: adrienneae) | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia cancellata | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia carnosa | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia cimiciodora | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia conrathii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia crassifolia | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia decidua | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia decidua ssp. pretoriensis | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia denticulata ssp. braunii | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia denticulata, F&P 201 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia dimorpha | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia dinteri | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia filiformis | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia floribundum | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia fortuita | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia fortuita | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia geniculata | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia gilgiana | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia haygarthii | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia imbricata | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia inornata sp. nov. | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia intracolour | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia leroyi | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia linearis | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia lugardae | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia lugardiae (succulent stem) | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia multiflora | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia multiflora ssp. multiflora | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia multiflora ssp. tentaculata | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia multiflorum | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia occulta | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia pachystelma | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia pachystelma | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia papillata | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia petignatii, RAUH 72226 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia plicata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia purpurascens (with tuber) | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia razafindratsirana sp. nov. | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia rendallii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia rendallii | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia rendallii | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia rupicola? | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia sandersonii | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia simoneae (isotype), RAUH 73313 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia sp. (tuberous) | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia sp. (tuberous) | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia sp. (with tuber) | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia sp. aff. decidua | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia sp. nov. | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia sp. nov. aff. racemosa | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia stenantha | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia stenoloba | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia stenoloba | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia stenoloba (with tuber) | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia stentiae | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia striata sp. nov. | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia tanzamalawlense sp. nov. (tuberous) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia variegata | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia variegata | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia woodii | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia woodii "variegata" | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ceropegia zeyheri | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Chorisia ventricosa | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cibirhiza albersiana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cibirhiza albersiana sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cissus quadrangularis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cissus sandersonii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cissus sp. (tuberous roots) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cissus tuberosa | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Clerodendrum myricoides | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Coccinia mildbraedii | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Coccinia palmata | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Coccinia sessilifolia | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Commiphora baluensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora corrugata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora dinteri, PV 2584 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora drakebrockmanii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora edulis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora eminii (blue pealing bark) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora erlangeriana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora foliacea (gardoensis/erosa) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora gileadensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora gileadensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora gowlello | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora guidottii (Syn.: C. sessiliflora) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora guillaumini | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora harveyii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora kataf | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora kraeuseliana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora kua | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora kua | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora myrrha | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora myrrhae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora neglecta | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora orbicularis (red bark) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora rostrata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora rostrata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora sp | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora sp. (blue, pealing bark, normal form) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora sp. (pinnate leaves) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora sp. aff. humbertii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora sp. aff. kua | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora sp. aff. myrrha | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora sp. aff. wildii, PV 2577 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora sp., PV 2590 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora sp., PV 2597 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora sp., PV2586 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora sp., PV2622 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora unilobata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora unilobata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Commiphora wightii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Corallocarpus bainesii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Corallocarpus boehmii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Corallocarpus dissectus | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Corallocarpus glomeruliflorus | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Corallocarpus wildii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Crassula aff. tecta | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula alstonii | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula arborescens f. monstruosa | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula ausensis ssp. titanopsis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula ausensis, LAV 30637 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula capensis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula columella | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula columnaris | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula columnaris ssp. prolifera | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula deceptor | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula deceptor, ex. Hort. | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula hemisphaerica | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula mesembryanthemopsis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula nudicaulis v. obvallata | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula plegmatoides | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula pyramidalis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula sarcocaulis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula sp. cv. Morgan's Pink | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula susannae | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula tecta | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula tecta (compact form) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crassula umbella | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Crinum bulbispermum | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Crinum firmifolium | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Crinum macowanii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Crinum moorei | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Crinum papillosum | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Crinum sp. (red flower) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Crinum sp. (white flower) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Crinum sp. nov. | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cryptostephanus haemanthoides (almost black flower) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cucurbita digitata | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Cussonia arenicola | 6°C | sunny | much |  |
Cussonia gamtoosensis | 6°C | sunny | much |  |
Cussonia kirkii v. kirkii | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cussonia natalensis | 6°C | sunny | much |  |
Cussonia nicholsonii | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cussonia paniculata | 6°C | sunny | much |  |
Cussonia spicata | 6°C | sunny | much |  |
Cussonia thyrsiflora | 6°C | sunny | much |  |
Cussonia transvalensis | 6°C | sunny | much |  |
Cussonia zuluensis | 6°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyclantheropsis parviflora (Kenya form) | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Cyclantheropsis parviflora (Malawi form) | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Cyclantheropsis sp. nov. | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Cynanchum andringitrense | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cynanchum lineare | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cynanchum macrolobum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cynanchum messerii sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cynanchum obovatum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cynanchum perrieri | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cynanchum rossii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cynanchum sp., Heidelberg 74592 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cyphostemma adenocaule | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma adenocaule | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma aphyllantha | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma bainesii | 6°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma betiforme | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cyphostemma betiforme | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma congestum | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma cornifolia | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma currorii (cramerana) | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma elephantopus | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma greenwayi | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma humilis | 6°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma hybrid (currorii x juttae) | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma junceum ssp. jatrophoides | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma juttae | 6°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma laza | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma macrocarpa | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma mapia | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma montagnaci | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma nigropilosa | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma pachypus | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma quinnatum | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma sakalavense | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma seitziana | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma uter | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma uter v. macropus | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cyphostemma wittei | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyphostemma wittei | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Cyrtanthus contractus | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cyrtanthus elatus (red flower) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cyrtanthus obliques | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cyrtanthus smithiae (with spiral leaves) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Cyrtanthus spiralis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Decarya madagascariensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Delonix pumila | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dendrosicyos socotrana | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Desmidorchis forskaolii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Didierea madagascariensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Didierea sp. nov. "petignatii", Heidelberg 72190 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Didierea trollii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dioscorea buchananii | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Dioscorea dregeae | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Dioscorea elephantipes | 6°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Dioscorea hemicrypta | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Dioscorea mexicana (Syn.: macrostachya) | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Dioscorea montana | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Dioscorea sp. aff. sylvatica | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Dioscorea sylvatica | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Dioscorea sylvatica v. paniculata | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Dolichos bianoensis | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Dolichos kilimandscharicus | 6°C | sunny | much |  |
Dolichos kilimandscharicus v. argyrophyllus | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Dorstenia barminiana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia barnimiana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia barnimiana v. barnimiana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia barnimiana v. barnimiana (undevided leaf) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia barnimiana v. palmata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia barnimiana v. palmata (3-devided leaf) | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia beguellensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia beguellensis | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia beguellensis (spider-like flower) | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia benguellensis | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia benguellensis | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia benguellensis (cup-shaped flower) | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia benguellensis (elliptic flower) | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia benguellensis (narrow leave) | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia benguellensis (radiate flower) | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia benguellensis (radiate flower) | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia benguellensis (spider like flower) | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia benguellensis (spider-like flower) | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia benguellensis (XL radiate flower) | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia buchananii v. longepedunculata | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia crispa | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia crispa v. crispa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia crispa v. crispa, C&J | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia crispa v. lancifolia | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia crispa, C&J | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia cuspidata | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia cuspidata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia cuspidata v. cuspidata | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia cuspidata v. cuspidata | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia ellenbeckiana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia ellenbeckiana | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia foetida | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia foetida, LAV 20542 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia gigas (from seed) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia gypsophila | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia hildebrandtii (discoid tuber) | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia hildebrandtii forma crispum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia hildebrandtii forma rubra | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia hildebrandtii v. hildebrandtii | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia Mix (foetida/crispa) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia palmata | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia psilurus | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia psilurus / buchananii | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia radiata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia sp. (discoid tuber) | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia sp. (peculiar flower) | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia sp. aff. hildebrandtii | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia sp. nov. | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia sp. nov., B&L 877 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia sp. nov., LAV 10341 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia sp. nov., LAV 10352 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia sp. nov., LAV 23877 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia tropaeolifolia | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia verdickii | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia zanzibarica | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia zanzibarica (discoid tuber) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Dorstenia zanzibarica (discoid tuber) | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dorstenia zanzibarica (globose tuber) | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dracaena cinnabari | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Dracaena serrulata | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Dracunculus vulgaris | 6°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Drimia acarophylla sp. nov. | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Drimia anomala | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Drimia ciliata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Drimia haworthioides | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Drimia uranthera | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Drimiopsis maculata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Drimiopsis sp. nov. | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Dudleya albiflora | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Duvalia caespitosa | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia caespitosa ssp. vestita, PVB 6655 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia caespitosa v. compacta, IB 7556 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia caespitosa, IB 10794 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia corderoyi | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia corderoyi, PVB 6275 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia corderoyi, PVB 7786 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia elegans | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia elegans, IB 8823 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia elegans, IB 8871 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia immaculata, IB 8735 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia modesta, IB 10793 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia modesta, PVB 5973 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia modesta, PVB 6274 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia parviflora | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia polita | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia polita, IB 8680 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia pubescens | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia pubescens, RH 678 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia reclinata | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia somalensis | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia sp. aff. elegans, RH 533 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia sulcata | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia sulcata ssp. seminuda, Tom McCoy | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia sulcata ssp. sulcata, T. McCoy | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Duvalia vestita | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echeveria affinis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Echeveria ciliata | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Echeveria laui | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Echeveria lilacina | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Echeveria mexicensis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Echeveria minima | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Echeveria parva | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Echeveria pulidonis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Echeveria runyonii cv. Topsy Turvy | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Echeveria setosa v. deminuta | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Echeveria shaviana cf. triffles | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Echidnopsis archeri, Tom McCoy | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis ballyi | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis bentii, PH 1210 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis bihendulensis | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis cereiformis (yellow flower), McCoy ERT 13 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis cereiformis v. brunnea | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis chrysantha | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis ciliata | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis dammanniana | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis dammanniana, McCoy ERT 8 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis dammanniana, PH 1427 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis fartaqensis | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis globosa Tom McCoy | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis globosa, LAV 30811 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis insularis | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis lavraniana | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis leachii (open flower) | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis malum | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis malum, PH 1444 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis montana | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis nubica | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis oviflora sp. nov. (clone 1) | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis planiflora, PH 1413 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis repens | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis scutellata ssp. dhofarensis | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis scutellata ssp. scutellata | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis scutellata ssp. scutellata, T. McCoy 8 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis scutellata, DP 8884 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis sharpei ssp. sharpei, UB 91 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis socotrana, DP 8855 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis sp. aff. E. lavraniana, Gilbert 8888 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis sp. aff. urceolata | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis sp. nov. (clone 2) | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis sp., T. McCoy 76 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis specksii sp. nov. | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis squamulata, RH 881 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis squamulata, T. McCoy 31 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Echidnopsis squamullata, RH 276 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Edithcolea grandis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Edithcolea grandis v. baylissiana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Edithcolea grandis v. socotrana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Edithcolea grandis, PH 1458 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Edithcolea sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Elephantorrhiza burkei | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Elephantorrhiza elephantina | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Elephantorrhiza elephantina | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Elephantorrhiza suffruticosa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Entada reticulata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Eriospermum abyssinicum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Eriospermum brevipes | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Eriospermum cooperi | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Eriospermum dregei | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Eriospermum kirkii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Eriospermum mackenii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Eriospermum mackenii ssp. mackenii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Eriospermum pubescens | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Eriospermum sp. aff mackenii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Erythrina abyssinica | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Erythrina acanthocarpa | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Erythrina baumii (Syn: E. mendesii) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Erythrina caffra | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Erythrina flabelliformis | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Erythrina latissima | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Erythrina livingstoniana | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Erythrina lysistemon | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Erythrina madagascariensis | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Erythrina mendesii | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Erythrina sandwichensis | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Erythrina zeyheri | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Erythrophysa alata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Erythrophysa transvaalensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Erythrophysopsis aesculina | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Eucomis comosa | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Eucomis vandermerwei | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia abdelkuri (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia abdelkuri (on own roots) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia abdelkuri cv. Damask (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia actinoclada | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia adenochila | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia aff. arida/crassipes | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia aggregata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia albertensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia albipollinifera | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia alfredii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia ambohipotsiensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia ambovombensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia ambroseae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia angustiflora | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia angustiflora | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia ankarensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia ankarensis (hairy) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia anoplia | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia antafikiensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia antiquorum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia antso | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia apios | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia arbuscula | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia arceuthobioides | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia argillicola | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia arida | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia asthenacantha | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia astrophora, GM 204 | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia atrispina | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia atroviridis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia atrox (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia aureoviridiflora | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia avasmontana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia baga | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia baioensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia balsamifera | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia barnardii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia baylissii (Syn.: mozambicensis) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia beharensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia berorohae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia bitataensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia bongensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia bongolavensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia bosseri | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia brachyphylla | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia brakdamensis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia braunsii | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia braunsii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia brevirama | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia brevitorta | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia brunellii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia bupleurifolia | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia bupleurifolia | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia bupleurifolia × susannae | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia buruana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia cape-guardacafui | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia cap-guardacafui | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia cap-manambatoensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia cap-saintemariensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia capuronii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia caput-medusae | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia characias | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia charles-wilsoniana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia clandestina | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia classenii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia clava | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia clavarioides v. clavarioides | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia clavarioides v. truncata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia clavigera | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia clivicola (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia coerulescens | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia colliculina | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia columnaris | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia columnaris (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia complexa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia confinalis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia cooperi | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia cooperi v. calidocola | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia crassipes | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia crassipes, GM 285 | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia cremersii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia cremersii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia crispa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia croizatii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia cryptocaulis | 14°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia cryptospinosa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia cumulata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia cuneata ssp. spinescens | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia cuneata v. pumilans | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia cuprispina | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia cv. Dragon Tail (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia cv. Super Amarillo (yellow) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Euphorbia cv. Super Salmon RED | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Euphorbia cylindrifolia ssp. cylindrifolia | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia cylindrifolia ssp. tuberifera | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia dauana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia davyi | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia davyi | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia decaryi v. decaryi | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Euphorbia decaryi v. durispina n. n., Heidelb 74941 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Euphorbia decaryi v. spirosticha | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Euphorbia decepta | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia decidua | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia deightonii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia delphinensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia denisii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia desmondii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia didiereoides | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia dilobadena | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia dimorphocaulon | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia dissitispina | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia duranii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia duseimata | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia echinus | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia ecklonii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia ecklonii (1 head) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia ecklonii (2 heads) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia ecklonii (3 heads) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia ecklonii (4 heads) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia elegantissima | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia elliotii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia enopla | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia enormis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia erigavoensis (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia erlangeri | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia erythrocucullata sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia esculenta | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia eustacei | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia excelsa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia eyassiana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia famatamboay ssp. itampolensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia fanshawei | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia fascicaulis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia fasciculata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia ferox | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia fianarantsoae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia filiflora | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia flanaganii | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia fortissima | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia fortuita | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia francoisii | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Euphorbia francoisii v. crassicaulis | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Euphorbia francoisii v. crassicaulis f. rubra | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Euphorbia friedrichiae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia fruticosa v. minor | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia furcata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia furcata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia fusca | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia galgalana, B&L 765 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia gamkaensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia gariepina | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia gemmea (blue form) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia genoudiana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia geroldii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia gilbertiana | 14°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia globosa | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia globulicaulis | 14°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia glochidiata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia glochidiata (from seed) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia goetzei | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia gorgonis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia gottlebei | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia graciliramea | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia grandicornis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia graniticola | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia greenwayi v. greenwayi | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia greenwayii ssp. breviaculeata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia griseola | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia griseola v. nov. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia groenewaldii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia guillauminiana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia guillemetii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia gymnocalycioides | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia gymnocalycioides (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia hadramautica | 14°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia hadramautica | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia hallii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia hamata | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia hedyothoides | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia heptagona | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia herrei | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia heterchroma | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia hofstaetteri | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia hopetownensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia horombensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia horrida MONSTROSA | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia horrida v. alba n. n. | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia horrida v. major | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia horrida v. minor n.n. | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia horrida v. noorsveldensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia horrida v. nov. | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia horrida v. striata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia horwoodii | 14°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia horwoodii CRISTATE (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia horwoodii CRISTATE (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia huanchahana | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Euphorbia hypogaea | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia iharanae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia immersa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia inaequispina | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia inaequispina (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia inarticulata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia inermis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia inermis (with tuberous roots) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia inermis v. huttonae | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia inornata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia itremensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia jansenvillensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia juglans | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia kalisana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia keithii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia knobelii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia knuthii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia kondoi | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia labatii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia labatii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia labatii hybrid | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia laeve | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia leistneri | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia leuconeura | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Euphorbia leuconeura (red leave) | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Euphorbia longituberculosa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia lophogona | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Euphorbia louwii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia lukoseana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia lydenburgensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia magnicapsula ssp. lacertosa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia mahabobokensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia maleolens | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia maleolens v. bloubergensis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia mammilaris | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia maritae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia marsabitensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia mayuranathani | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Euphorbia melanahydratha | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia melanohydrata | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia meloformis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia meloformis f. magna | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia meloformis v. macrodiscus n.n. | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia memoralis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia micracantha | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia migiurtinorum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia milii (Thai hybride) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Euphorbia milii (Thai-hybride) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Euphorbia milii × decaryi cv. Wavy | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia milii × moratii (F2) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia milii v. isaloensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia milii v. tenuispina | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia milii v. vulcani | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Euphorbia millotii | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Euphorbia mitriformis (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia mkuziensis n.n. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia monacantha | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia monteiroi | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia monteroi | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia moratii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia moromokotrae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia mosaica (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia multiceps | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia multifolia | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia multiramosa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia namaquensis / multiramosa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia namibensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia namuskluftensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia nelii | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia neo-bosseri | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia neohumbertii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia neohumbertii "rubrifolia" | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia nigrispina | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia oatesii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia obesa | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia obesa CRISTATE (grafted) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia odontophora | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia opuntioides | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia oxystegia | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia pachypodioides | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia panchganiensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia parciramulosa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia parvicyathophora | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Euphorbia parvicyatophora GRAFTED | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia pauliani | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia pedilanthoides | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia peltigera | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia pentops | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia perangusta | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia perrieri v. elongata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia persistens | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia persistens | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia persistentifolia | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia petricola | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia phillipsiae (was: golisana) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia phillipsiae GRAFTED ((was: golisana)) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia phillipsioides (cristate, grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia phillipsioides (was: phillipsiae) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia phillipsioides GRAFTED | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia pillansii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia piscidermis (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia piscidermis CRISTATE (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia planiceps | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia platycephala | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia platyclada v. hardyi | 14°C | 30% shaded | low |  |
Euphorbia poissonii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia poissonii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia polyacantha | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia polygona | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia ponderosa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia ponderosa (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia primulifolia v. begardii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia primulifolia v. primulifolia | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia primulifolia v. subapoda | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia proballyana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia pseudoburuana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia pseudocactus | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia pseudocactus v. lyttoniana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia pseudoduseimata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia pseudotuberosa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia pubiglans | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia pubiglans | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia pulvinata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia quadrangularis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia quadrialata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia quadrispina | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia quartziticola | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia ramena sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia ramiglans | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia ramiglans | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia razafindratsirae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia restituta | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia restricta | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia richardsiae ssp. richardsiae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia rivae | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia rossii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia rubrispinosa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia rudis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia rudis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia ruficeps | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia rugosiflora, LEACH | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sakarahaensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia samburuensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sapinii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia schinzii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia schinzii "limpopo" | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia schizacantha | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia schizacantha (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia schoenlandii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia seibanica (grafted) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sekekuniensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sepulta | 14°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia sepulta (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia silenifolia | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia silenifolia (3 heads) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia silenifolia (4 heads) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia silenifolia (5 heads) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia silenifolia (double head) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia silenifolia (single head) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia similiramea | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. (with tuber) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. aff. actinoclada | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. aff. bongensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. aff. bulbispina | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. aff. croizatii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. aff. E. lukoseana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. aff. filiflora | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia sp. aff. gamkaensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. aff. greenwayii ssp. breviaculeata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. aff. mira | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. aff. ramiglans | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. aff. rivae | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia sp. Cape Guardafui (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. nov. | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. nov. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. nov. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. nov. aff. E. sakarahaensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. nov. aff. greenwayii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. nov. aff. pauliana (caudex / Knolle) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. nov. aff. specksii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. nov. GIANT MILII | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. nov., G. MARX 211 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia sp. nov., G. MARX 224 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia sp. nov., LAV 13176 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. nov., Mrs. Ash | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp. nov., Powys 532 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp., LAV 10365 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp., PV2527 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp., PV2678 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sp.aff. goetzei | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia speciosa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia spinea | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia squarrosa | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia squarrosa (2-angled) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia squarrosa (3 angled) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia stellata | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia stellispina | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia stellispina | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia subapoda | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia subpetalophylla | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia subscandens | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia sudanica | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia suppressa, GM 227 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia susannae | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia suzannae-marnierae | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Euphorbia symmetrica | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia tenuispinosa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia tortirama | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia transvaalensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia triaculeata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia trichadenia | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia tuberculata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia tuberosa | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia tuberosa (Syn.: M. echinata) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia tubiglans | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia tulearensis | 14°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia tulearensis (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia turbiniformis (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia turbiniformis CRISTATE (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia uhligiana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia umbonata (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia umfoloziensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia unispina | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia unispina | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia vajravelui | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Euphorbia valida | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia vandermerwei | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia venenata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia venenifica | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia venterii n.n., DE LANGE 181 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia viguieri | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia viguieri (purple leaf) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia viguieri v. ankarafantsiensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia viguieri v. capuroniana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia viguieri v. capuronii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia viguieri v. tsimbazazae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia viguieri v. viguieri | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia viguieri v. vilanandrensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia virosa ssp. virosa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia virosa v. virosa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia vittata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia vulcanorum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia wakefieldii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia waringiae | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Euphorbia waterbergensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia woodii | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Euphorbia xylacantha | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Euphorbia zoutpansbergensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ficus abutilifolia | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Ficus arnottiana | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Ficus burt-davyi | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Ficus cordata | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Ficus glumosa | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Ficus ingens | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Ficus natalensis | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Ficus palmeri v. palmeri | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Ficus palmeri v. petiolaris | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Ficus soldanella | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Ficus trichopoda | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Firmiana colorata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Fockea angustifolia (Syn.: comura) | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Fockea angustifolia (Syn.: comura) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Fockea cylindrica | 6°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Fockea edulis | 6°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Fockea multiflora | 6°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Fockea multiflora | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Folotsia floribunda | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Folotsia sarcostemmoides | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Fouquieria burragei | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Fouquieria columnaris (Syn.: Idria columnaris) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Fouquieria diguetii | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Fouquieria fasciculata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Fouquieria formosa | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Fouquieria macdougalii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Fouquieria purpusii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Frerea indica | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Gasteraloe cv. Aveo | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteraloe cv. G. armstrongii x A. aristata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteraloe cv. G. batesiana x A. variegata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteraloe cv. G. glauca x A. Doran Black | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteraloe cv. G. glauca x A. sladeniana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteraloe sp. cv. Robin Hood (Gast. bicolor x Aloe marlothii) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasterhaworthia A-1 ex Verhoeven | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria acinacifolia | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria aff. brachyphylla | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria batesiana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria baylissiana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria bicolor v. bicolor | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria bicolor v. liliputana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria brachyphylla | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria brachyphylla v. brachyphylla | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria brachyphylla, RH 596 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria carinata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria carinata cv. Pink Splash (hybride) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria carinata v. retusa | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria croucheri | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria cv. Boomslang | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Gasteria cv. Emmy | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria cv. Little Warty | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria cv. Moppy | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria cv. Mumba | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria cv. Royal | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria cv. Silver Fuji | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria cv. Snowstorm | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria disticha, PV 1048 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria doreeniae sp. nov. | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria ellaphieae | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria excelsa | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria excelsa, JDV-G181 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria glauca sp. nov. | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria glomerata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria maculatus f. cristatus | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria nitida v. armstrongii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria pendulifolia sp. nov. | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria pulchra | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria rawlinsonii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria sp. cv. Blue Boy | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria sp. cv. Boomslang | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria sp. cv. Green Mamba | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria sp. cv. Grey Ghost | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria spp | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Gasteria vlokii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Geranium tuberosum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Gerrardanthus lobatus | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Gerrardanthus macrorrhizus | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Gerrardanthus macrorrhizus (Syn.: lobatus) | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Gladiolus natalensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Gladiolus sp. (pink flower) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Gladiolus sp. nov. aff. G. oligophlebius | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Gonatopus boivinii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Grahamia australiana | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Haemanthus barkerae | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Haemanthus lanceifolius | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Haemanthus montanus (white flower) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Haemanthus sanguineus | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Harpagophytum procumbens | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Haworthia , VA 4330 B | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia aff. cangoensis | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia albispina sp. nov., Hayashi | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia angustifolia v. altissima n.n. | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia angustifolia, DMC 0435 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia angustifolia, LAV 2594 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia arachnoidea | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia arachnoidea v. aranea | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia arachnoidea v. namaquensis | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia arachnoidea v. nigricans, MBB 6882 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia arachnoidea v. scabrispina (gigas) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia arachnoidea v. scabrispina n.n. | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia arachnoidea v. scabrispina, GM 438 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia arachnoidea v. scabrispina, GM 560 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia arachnoidea v. setata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia arachnoidea v. xiphiophylla, JDV 91-122 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia aranea | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia aristata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia aristata, ISI 1028 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia aristata, MBB 6852 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia asperata sp. nov. | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia attenuata (britteniana) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia attenuata f. caespitosa BIG BEND | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia attenuata v. radula, MBB 6831 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia badia | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia badia × maughanii, CCO 497 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia badia v. badia | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia badia, MBB 6635 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia batteniae | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia batteniae, FSA 148 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia bayeri | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia bayeri, EA 937 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia bayeri, FSA 92 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia bayeri, GM 391 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia bella, MBB 6798 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia blackbeardiana v. major (batteniae), SS 1046 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia blackbeardiana, JDV 96-67 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia blackburniae | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia blackburniae v. derustensis | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia bolusii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia bolusii v. blackbergiana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia bolusii v. pringlei | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia bolusii, CCO 740 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia bolusii, CCO 741 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia bruynsii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia bruynsii, GM 258 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia bruynsii, JDV 91-135 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia capillaris (H. odyssei Hayashi) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cf. mantellii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia chloracantha | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia chloracantha v. denticulifera | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia chloracantha v. subglauca | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia chloracantha v. subglauca, ISI 1212 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia chloracantha, SS 1117 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia coarctata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia coarctata ssp. adelaidensis | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia coarctata v. tenuis | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia comptoniana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia comptoniana, JDV 90-8 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia comptoniana, YO 674 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cooperi | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cooperi v. cooperi | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cooperi v. cooperi, JDV 94-60 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cooperi v. dielsiana (Syn.: joeyae), GM 316 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cooperi v. gordoniana, JDV 91-80 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cooperi v. leightonii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cooperi v. pilifera | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cooperi v. pilifera f. truncata, ISI 176 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cooperi v. pilifera, JDV 95 / 7 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cooperi v. truncata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cooperi v. truncata, ISI 1762 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cooperi v. truncata, JDV 84-59 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cooperi v. truncata, MBB 386 / 70 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cooperi v. venusta | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cooperi v. venusta, CCO 800 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cooperi v. venusta, GM 292 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cooperi, DMC 3870 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cooperi, GM 502 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cummingii, DMC 11214 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cuspidata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv Hakuzi no Sakazuki | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. "Black Major" x cv. Gandahra | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. "Chocolate" x venusta | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Alligator Pair (koelman. x asperula), ISI 93-37 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Anna Coccoza | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Arie | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. bayeri X capillaris | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. bayeri x comptoniana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Beng (magn.major X magn.splendens) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Ben's Wonder | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Bev's Wonder x arachnoidea | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Birdy | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Black Major | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. 'Black Major' x 'Gandahra' | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Blue Haze | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Bradgate | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Bristle Tips | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Browny | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Bryan Makin | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. capillaris X bayeri | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. CCO 806 (Japan schuldt. x Bev's Wonder) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. CCO 807 (Bev's Wonder x Nirvana) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. chewagei x tenera | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Chocolata X magn.splendens | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Chocolate | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Chocolate x gracilis viridis | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. chocolate x magn.splendens | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. comptoniana x bayeri | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. comptoniana x springbokvlakensis | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. comptonii x 'Lime Green' | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. cooperi v. venusta x comptoniana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. correcta hybrid | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Diederik, DVDA 001 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Domino | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Down Under x emelyae major | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Eastborne (truncata cv.) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. emelyae major x doldii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Emerald Minister | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Eva (cymbif. x maugh. x truncata) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Five Star | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Francoise (cooperi x maughanii), VA 6687 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Freckles | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Frosty Tips | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Fugaku (from Japan) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Gandahra | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. 'Gandahra' x 'Black Major' | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Gandahra, CC 1227 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Giant Form | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Great Mumon | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Green Bristle | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Green Spice | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Green Star | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Hagiwara (ex Japan) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Hail | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Hakuma (from Japan) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Hans (schultiana x truncata hybr.) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Harry Johnson | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Hatsu Yumedono | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Hilda Wilbur (monticola x marum. archeri) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Hongwenshou (H. magnifica cultivar) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Jaffa, CG 2317 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Jay Dodson | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Jump (springbokvlakensis cultivar) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Kegani x esterhuizenii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Kegani x venusta | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Kegani, VA 4776 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Kekani x springbokvl. x emelyae major | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Kermit (Lime Green X aranea) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. King | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Kin-Tai-Kyou | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. koelmaniorum x scabra | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Leicester, CC919 - CCO207, VA 6353 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Lime Green | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Lime Green X nigra | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. limifolia striata x koelmaniorum | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Little Treasure | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. magn.splendens X magn.major | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. magnifica major x venosa | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. magnifica x venosa | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Marguerite (H. picta cultivar) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Maypole | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Michael Cocozza | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Michael Cocozza, CC 1055 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Mirror Ball | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Misty | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. mutica X lanata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Ollasonii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Pale Peace | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. parksiana X magn.asperula | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Percival | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Pink Beauty (H. pygmaea cv.) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Prickly Ghost | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. pygmaea x badia | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. pygmaea x scabra | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Rose Green, SPT 1021 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Ruby Star | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Sanxianshou (H. cooperi cultivar) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. scabra x koelmaniorum | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Shoubaodianbaijin ((H. geraldii cultivar)) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Silver Wedding | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Sprinkle | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Striped Ghost | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Sugar Candy | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Sugar Candy (new form) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Teresa (H. picta cultivar) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. tesselata x koelmaniourum | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Tongue (emelyae X pygmaea) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Tropic World | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Twisted Leg (springbokvlakensis hybr.) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. VA 4330 C | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. venosa x pygmaea | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Vermicelli | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Vicky | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. vincentii x springbokvlakensis | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Yume-Dono | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cv. Yume-Dono (schuldtiana major x) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cymbiformis | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cymbiformis v. incurvula | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cymbiformis v. obtusa, MBB 6850 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cymbiformis v. reddii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cymbiformis v. setulifera | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia cymbiformis v. transiens, ISI 0870 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia decipiens | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia decipiens v. cyanea, JDV 97-74 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia decipiens v. cyanea, MBB 6580 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia decipiens v. cyanea, MBB 7025 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia decipiens v. decipiens, JDV 87-169 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia decipiens v. minor, MBB 6587 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia decipiens v. virella var. nov. | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia decipiens v. virella, MBB 6582 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia decipiens v. virella, MBB 7022 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia dielsiana, IB 6992 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia divergens | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia emelya v. picta, CC 803 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia emelyae | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia emelyae cv. Special White | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia emelyae v. emelyae, JDV 90-7 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia emelyae v. major | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia emelyae v. major, GM 400 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia emelyae v. major, JDV 95-23 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia emelyae v. multifolia | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia emelyae v. multifolia, 112 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia emelyae v. multifolia, JDV 87/162 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia emelyae v. multifolia, JDV 90-22 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia emelyae v. multifolia, MBB 1558 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia emelyae v. picta | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia emelyae v. picta (Japan clone) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia emelyae v. picta bicolor, IB 6775 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia emelyae, GM 256 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia enigma, RH 1035 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia eonigra (Syn.: nigra v. diversifolia) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia esterhuizenii sp. nov., CCO 767 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia esterhuizenii sp. nov., GM 320 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia fasciata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia fasciata cv. Lime Green | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia fasciata GIANT FORM | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia floccosa, DMC 10964 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia floribunda | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia floribunda v. dentata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia glauca v. herrei, ISI 1568 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia glauca, ISI 1760 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia globosiflora | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia gracilis | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia gracilis v. isabellae | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia gracilis v. isabellae, JDV 87-55 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia gracilis v. picturatum | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia gracilis v. tenera | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia gracilis v. viridis, JDV 96-82 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia gracilis v. viridis, JDV 97-20 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia graminifolia | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia graminifolia v. derustensis, GM 425A | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia guttata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia habdomadis v. inconfluence | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia heidelbergensis | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia heidelbergensis v. scabra, JDV 89-93 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia heidelbergensis, ISI 1857 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia heidelbergensis, JDV 87-1 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia helmiae (= outeniquensis Bayer) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia herbacea | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia hybrid | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia HYBRID (mixed selection) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia ikra | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia integra | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia integra (rycroftiana), SS 1120 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia integra v. standeri | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia isomorpha, GM 560 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia Japan hybr. (major cv.) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia kingiana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia kiwanea, IB 12685 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia koelmaniorum v. koelmaniorum | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia lanata sp. nov., GM 494 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia limifolia | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia limifolia v. arcana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia limifolia v. limifolia | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia limifolia v. limifolia (black) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia limifolia v. striata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia limifolia VARIEGATA | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia limifolia, MBB 7142 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia lockwoodii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia lockwoodii, CCO 96-535 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia longiana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia longiana, IB 5544 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia maculata v. intermedia, JDV 87-203 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia maculata, JDV 88-29 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica v. acuminata, GM 310 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica v. asperula, GM 306 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica v. atrofusca | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica v. atrofusca, DVDA 1998-1 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica v. atrofusca, MBB 6651 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica v. atrofusca, VA 4388 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica v. magnifica | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica v. magnifica, MBB 6666 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica v. major | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica v. major, JDV 87-165 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica v. maraisii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica v. mirabilis, VA 4908 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica v. notabilis | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica v. paradoxa | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica v. splendens | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica v. splendens (clone 1), GM 452 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica v. splendens (clone 2), GM 452 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica v. splendens, D+P 94-01 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica v. splendens, GM 282 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia magnifica, JDV 92-65 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia maraisii v. maraisii, JDV 95/1 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia maraisii v. meiringii, JDV 87/121 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia maraisii v. notabilis, JDV 87-197 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia maraisii, JDV 94-18 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia maraisii, MBB 6861 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia maraisii, MBB 6883 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia maraisii, MBB 6961 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia maraisii, MBB 6973 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia maraisii, MBB 6992 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia maraisii, PVB 7588 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia marginata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia marginata × pumila (natural hybrid) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia marginata, EA 980 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia marginata, MBB 6633 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia marumiana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia marumiana v. batesiana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia marumiana v. dimorpha | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia maughanii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia maughanii Japan clone | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mcmurtryi | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mcmurtryi, GM 272 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia meiringii, JDV 90-094 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia meiringii, SS 412 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia minima | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia minima (coastal form) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia minima (poellnitziana), ISI 1572 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia minima, RH 1024 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis (dark form), VA 4873 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis (mundula) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis ssp. mirabilis fa. sublineata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis ssp. mundula | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis v. badia, GM 395 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis v. badia, VA 6423 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis v. beukmannii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis v. beukmannii, VA 5979 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis v. beukmannii, VA-DW 06-43 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis v. calcarea | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis v. calcarea n.n. | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis v. consanguinea | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis v. consanguinea, JDV 84-67 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis v. mirabilis (Syn.: mundula) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis v. mirabilis, MBB 6643 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis v. paradoxa, VA 5747 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis v. paradoxa, VA 6473 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis v. sublineata, JDV 88-67 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis v. sublineata, MBB 6639 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis v. triebneriana (rubrodent.), LAV 27057 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mirabilis v. triebneriana, IB 12819 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia montana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia monticola | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia monticola v. asema n.n. | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia monticola v. asema, IB 6618 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia monticola v. bronkhorstii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mortonii sp. nov., MBB 6629 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mutica v. mutica, JDV 85-17 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mutica v. nigra, JDV 86 /16 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mutica v. nigra, JDV 90-1 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia mutica, MBB 6512 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia nigra | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia nigra v. nigra | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia nigra, JDV 92-38 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia nigra, MBB 6945 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia nortieri | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia nortieri v. globosiflora, JDV 88-40 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia obtusa VARIEGATA | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia odetteae, IB 11864 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia outeniquensis, GM 312 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia parksiana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia parksiana, GM 284 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia parksiana, VA 6621 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia picta cv. Robert | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia picta v. janvlokii n.n., GM 267 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia picta v. janvlokii, GM 267 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia picturata, MBB 6930 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia pulchella v. globifera, PVB 7338 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia pulchella, CCO 772 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia pumila | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia pumila cv. Ling | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia pumila, MBB 6645 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia pumila, MBB 7096 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia pumila, MBB 7166 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia pygmaea | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia pygmaea f. major | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia pygmaea v. argenteo-maculosa, EA 1200 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia pygmaea v. argenteo-maculosa, GM 326 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia pygmaea v. argenteo-maculosa, JDV 86-75 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia pygmaea v. argenteo-maculosa, JDV91-38 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia pygmaea v. pygmaea "crystallina" | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia pygmaea v. pygmaea "crystallina", JDV 84-15 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia pygmaea v. pygmaea (Japan clone) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia pygmaea v. pygmaea cv. Crystallina, ISI 37-1B | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia pygmaea, ex Dodson | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia pygmaea, YO 1106 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia reddii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia reinwardtii v. kaffirdriftensis | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia reinwardtii, DMC 10919 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia reticulata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia reticulata (hurlingii), DT 2414 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia reticulata v. hurlingii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia reticulata v. subregularis | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia reticulata, EA 654 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia reticulata, SS 1202 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia retusa | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia retusa (multilineata), KGB 626-69 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia retusa cv. Giant | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia retusa v. dekenahii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia retusa v. fouchei | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia retusa v. geraldii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia retusa v. multilineata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia retusa x magn. argento cv. Silver Wedding | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia retusa, Otzen 10 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia rossauii (Syn.: H. serrata) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia rycroftiana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia scabra v. morrisiae, JDV 90 / 82 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia scabra v. scabra | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia scabra v. scabra, RS 252 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia schuldtiana, JDV 87-208 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia semiviva | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia semiviva, CCO 749 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia semiviva, CCO 751 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia serrata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia sordida | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia sordida × koelmaniorum cv. Dark | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia sordida, GM 81 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia sordida, JDV 93-20 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia sp. cv. Kegani (hybride), VA 4776 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia sp., MC 157 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia specksii, IB 12481 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia springbokvlakensis, GM 166 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia springbokvlakensis, GM 390 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia starkiana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia starkiana v. lateganiae | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia tessellata × ...? cv. Jack Brown | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia translucens | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia translucens (glossy form) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia translucens ssp. tenera | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia triebneriana, CG 2371 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia truncata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia truncata × cuspidata "mantelii" | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia truncata × maugh. × cooperi | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia truncata × maughanii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia truncata cv. Bristle Tips | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia truncata v. minor | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia truncata x atrofusca | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia turgida | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia turgida (rodinii n.n.) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia turgida v. longibracteata, LAV 26913 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia turgida v. pallidifolia | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia turgida v. suberecta | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia ubomboensis | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia variegata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia variegata v. hemicrypta, MBB 6527 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia variegata v. modesta n.n. | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia variegata v. nov. | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia variegata v. petrophila n.n., JDV 86-67 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia venosa ssp. tessellata | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia venosa ssp. tessellata (type B) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia venosa ssp. tessellata (type D) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia venosa ssp. wooleyi, GM 79 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia venosa ssp. woolleyi | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia vincentii sp. nov. | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia vlokii | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia vlokii, JDV 91-2 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia wimii (Syn.: emelyae v. major), IB 5539 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia wittebergensis (green form), CG 2210 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia wittebergensis (white form) | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia wooleyi | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia xiphiophylla | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Haworthia zantneriana | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Hoodia annulata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia currorii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia currorii ssp. lugardii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia dregei | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia dregei (white hairs) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia flava, D.P. 9270 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia flava, DP 9270 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia flavum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia gordonii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia grandis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia juttae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia lugardii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia mossamedensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia officinalis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia officinalis ssp. delaetiana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia officinalis ssp. officinalis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia parviflora | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia pedicellata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia pilifera ssp. annulata, RH 621 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia pilifera ssp. pilifera | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia piliferum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia ruschii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hoodia triebneri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia "distincta" | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia andreaeana, DP 8887 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia arabica, LAV 13103 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia archeri, D.P. 8888 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia aspera | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia aspera? | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia barbata ssp. barbata, PVB 8964 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia barbata, PVB 9281 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia bayeri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia berlinensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia blyderiverensis, D 2439 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia boleana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia brevirostris | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia campanulata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia campanulata, IB 7484 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia clavigera | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia clavigera, IB 7484 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia confusa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia echidnopsioides | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia echidnopsioides, JIL 204 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia echidnopsioides, PVB 1838 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia guttata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia guttata ssp. calitzdorpensis, RH 600 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia guttata, IB 8557 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia hallii, PVB 3529 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia hislopii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia hislopii ssp. cashelensis, PVB 7415 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia hislopii ssp. robusta, DP 8854 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia humilis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia humilis ssp. humilis, PVB 4958 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia humilis, PVB 5971 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia humpatana sp. nov. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia hystrix | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia hystrix v. nov. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia hystrix v. parvula | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia insigniflora | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia keniensis v. globosa, Newton 2927 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia keniensis v. keniensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia keniensis, Barad 11548 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia kennedyana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia khalidbinsultanii, TM KSA129 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia kirkii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia leachii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia levyi | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia lodarensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia loeseneriana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia longituba | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia longituba ssp. longituba, S048 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia macrocarpa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia marnieriana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia mccoyi, DP 8876 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia mccoyi, McCoy YEM 42 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia mccoyi, T. McCoy 2284 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia namaquensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia namibensis n.n. D. Plowes | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia nigeriana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia nouhuysii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia occulta | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia occulta, PVB 7767 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia oculata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia pendula | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia penzigii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia piersii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia piersii, PVB 5039 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia pillansii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia pillansii (dark form), IB 7475 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia pillansii × Duvalia caespitosa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia plowesii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia plowesii, DP 8807 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia praestans × Duvalia parviflora | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia praestans, IB 7580 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia praestans, PVB 7119 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia primulina | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia procumbens | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia quinta | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia quinta v. blydereriverensis, IB 7270 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia reticulata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia rosea, RH 230 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia rubra, RH 886 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia saudi-arabica, T. McCoy 60 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia saudi-arabica, TM KSA130c/2 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia saudi-arabica, TM KSA130c/4 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia saudi-arabica, TM KSA130c/6 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia saudi-arabica, TM KSA136 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia schneideriana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia somalica, LAV 10426 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia sp. aff. aspera | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia sp. aff. namaquensis, RH 638 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia sp. aff. oculata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia sp. aff. volkartii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia sp., RH 600 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia sp., S. Collenette | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia sp., S. Collenette 7707 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia sp., S. Collenette 7784 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia sp., S. Collenette 7785 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia sp., S.Collenette 7786 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia sp., S.Collenette 7828 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia stapelioides | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia stapelioides (cristate) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia stapelioides, D 1327 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia striata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia thudichumii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia thueretii / primulina, PVB 4934 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia thueretii v. thueretii, PVB 4228 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia thueretii, IB 8549 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia thureti | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia thureti v. primulina | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia thuretii ssp. thuretii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia transvaalensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia urceolata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia verekeri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia volkartii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia volkartii v. volkartii, PVB 7460 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia whitesloaneana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia whitesloaneana, PVB 6997 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia zebrina | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia zebrina ssp. insigniflora, PVB 6596 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia zebrina ssp. magniflora | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia zebrina v. magniflora | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huernia zebrina, IB 11028 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huerniopsis atrosanguinea | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huerniopsis atrosanguinea, PVB 6538 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huerniopsis atrosanguinea, RH 1092 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huerniopsis decipiens | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Huerniopsis decipiens, PVB 6410 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hydnophytum formicarum | 14°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Hydnophytum moseleyanum | 14°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Hydnophytum perangustum | 14°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Hydnophytum simplex | 14°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Hypoxis dregei (yellow flower) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hypoxis goetzei | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hypoxis obtusa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Hypoxis sp. (yellow flower) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ibervillea sonorea v. peninsularis | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Idria columnaris | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Impatiens kerriae (white flower) | 14°C | 50% shaded | low |  |
Impatiens mirabilis | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Impatiens opinata (yellow flower) | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Impatiens tuberosa | 14°C | 50% shaded | low |  |
Ipomoea alpina | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Ipomoea alpina (yellow flower) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Ipomoea blepharophylla | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea bolusiana | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea bonariensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea bullata | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Ipomoea cairica | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea holubii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea holubii (giant form) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea inermis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea kituiensis v. massaiensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea lapathifolia | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea lapidosa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea longituba | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea marmorata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea mauritiana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea oenotherae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea platense | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea pubescens, BLM 53 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea rosfalliae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea sp. (blue flower) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea sp. (white flower) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea sp. (white flower) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea sp. (white with purple centre) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea sp. (yellow flower) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea sp. aff. bolusiana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea sp. aff. lapidosa | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Ipomoea sp. aff. longituba | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Ipomoea sp. aff. welwitschii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea sp. nov. (red flower) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea tarmensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ipomoea welwitschii (broad leaf) | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Ipomoea welwitschii (white flower with pink centre) | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Ischnolepis tuberosa | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Jacaratia corumbensis (was: hassleriana) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Jatropha berlandieri | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha campestris | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha fissispina | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha gossypifolia | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha horizontalis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha lagarinthoides | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha macracantha | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha macrophylla | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha macrorrhiza | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha maheshwari | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha mcvaughey | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha mollis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha multifida | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha pelargoniifolia | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha pelargoniifolia v. sublobata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha platinifolia | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha podagrica | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha podagrica (yellow flower) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha podagrica GELB / YELLOW | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha prunifolia | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha rivae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha robecchii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha sp. aff. schweinfurthii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha sp.aff. prunifolia | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha spicata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha spinosa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha stuhlmannii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha stuhlmannii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha unicostata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha variifolia (forma B) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Jatropha zeyheri | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Kalanchoe bitteri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Kalanchoe glaucescens, S. COLLENETTE 7762 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Kalanchoe grandidieri | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Kalanchoe humilis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Kalanchoe synsepala | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Kedrostis africana | 6°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Kedrostis crassirostrata | 6°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Kedrostis foetidissima | 6°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Kedrostis natalensis v. hirtella | 6°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Kedrostis punctulata | 6°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Kleinia lunulata (Syn.: K. isabellae) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Kleinia neriifolia | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Kleinia patriciae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Kleinia pendula | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Kleinia sp. (type A - miniature form) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Kleinia sp. (type B) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Kleinia sp. (type C) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Kleinia sp. (type D) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Kleinia sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Lachenalia campanulata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Larryleachia cactiforme ssp. felina | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Larryleachia cactiformis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Larryleachia cactiformis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Larryleachia cactiformis ssp. felina (yellow flower) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Larryleachia marlothii (Syn.: dinteri) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Larryleachia marlothii (Syn.: dinteri) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Larryleachia perlata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Larryleachia picta | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Larryleachia picta | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Larryleachia similis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Larryleachia similis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Lavrania cactiformis v. felinum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Lavrania dinteri | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Lavrania haagnerae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Lavrania perlata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Lavrania perlata (grey) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Lavrania perlata (pink) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Lavrania picta | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Leachiella cactiforme | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Leachiella cactiformis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Leachiella dinteri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Leachiella meloforme | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Leachiella pictum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Leachiella sp. aff. pictum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Lecanopteris celebica | 14°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Ledebouria cooperi | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ledebouria macowanii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Lomatophyllum ankaranaensis | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Lomatophyllum prostratum | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Lomatophyllum prostratum | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Macropetalum burchellii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Macropetalum burchellii, PLOT 84 | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Maerua edulis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Manfreda 'Bloodspot' (Manfreda x Agave macrocantha) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Massonia depressa | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Matalea cyclophylla (Syn.: Gonolobus cyclophyllus) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Mestoklema arboriforme | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Momordica boivinii | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Momordica dioica | 6°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Momordica repens | 6°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Momordica rostrata | 6°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Momordica sessiliflora (Syn.: Raphanocarpus stefaninii) | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Monadenium arborescens | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium capitatum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium capitatum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium catenatum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium chevalieri v. spathulatum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium coccineum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium crispum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium discoideum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium echinulatum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium echinulatum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium elegans | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium ellenbeckii (branched form) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium erubescens (was: majus) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium fanshawei | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium gillettii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium globosum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium goetzei | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium gracile | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium heteropodum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium invenustum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium invenustum v. invenustum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium lugardae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium mafingensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium magnificum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium magnificum | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Monadenium montanum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium montanum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium nervosum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium orobanchoides | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium parviflorum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium parviflorum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium pedunculatum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium pseudoracemosum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium reflexum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium ritchei v. marsabitensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium rubellum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium rubellum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium schubei | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium schubei | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium schubei v. schubei | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium simplex | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium sp. aff. catenatum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium sp. aff. depauperatum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium sp. aff. echinulatum/goetzei | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium sp. aff. goetzei | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium sp. aff. gracile | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium sp. aff. pedunculatum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium sp. aff. pedunculatum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium sp. nov. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium sp. nov. aff echinulatum ("white" veins) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium sp. nov. aff. echinulatum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium sp.aff. orobanchoides | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium sp.aff. orobanchoides | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium spectabile | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Monadenium spinescens | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium stapelioides v. stapelioides | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium stoloniferum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium torrei | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monadenium yattanum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Monsonia longipes (yellow flower) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Moringa arborea | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Moringa drouhardii | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Moringa hildebrandtii | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Moringa keniensis | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Moringa peregrina | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Moringa stenopetala | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Moringa tubiflora | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Myrmecodia armata | 14°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Myrmecodia echinata (Syn.: M tuberosa) | 14°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Neorautanenia mitis | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Nerine bowdenii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Nerine falcata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Nerine filifolia | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Nerine gracilis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Nerine krigei | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Nerine masoniorum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Nerine sarniensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Nerine undulata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Notechidnopsis columnaris | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Notechidnopsis tessellata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Obetia ficifolia | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Odosicyos bosseri | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Operculicarya decaryi | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Operculicarya pachypus | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ophionella arcuata | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Ophionella arcuata, DP 8316 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Orbea albocastanea, PVB 5667 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea araysiana, PH 1243 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea araysiana, T. McCoy | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea carnosa ssp. keithii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea carnosa ssp. keithii, DP 9035 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea carnosa, DP 9035 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea caudata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea chrysothephana, DP 8908 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea cooperi | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea deflersiana, McCoy YEM 8 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea denboeffii, PVB 8679 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea distincta, L. Newton 5827 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea distincta, PVB 8676 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea dummeri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea dummeri | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea gemugofana, UB 51 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea gerstneri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea gerstneri ssp. elongata, PVB 7019 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea halipedicola | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea huernioides | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea knobelii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea kwebensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea laticorona, PH 1518 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea lepida | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea longidens | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea lugardii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea luntii, TM OM14 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea lutea | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea lutea v. vaga | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea lutea, IB 8683 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea macloughlinii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea macloughlinii, PVB 8920 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea melanantha | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea melanantha, IB 7410 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea namaquensis, RH 639 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea namaquensis, RH 676 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea paradoxa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea paradoxa, IB 11011 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea pulchella | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea pulchella, IB 8982 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea schweinfurthii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea semitubiflora, L&M 3372 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea semota | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea semota ssp. orientalis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea sp. aff. namaquensis, RH 676 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea speciosa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea sprengeri ssp. foetida McCoy 5 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea sprengeri ssp. sprengeri McCoy 7 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea sprengeri, UB 217 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea tapscottii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea ubomboensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea umbracula, D.P. 9295 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea variegata, IB 7645 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea variegata, PVB 7126 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea verrucosa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea verrucusa, DMC 8781 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea wissmanii (dark flower), GO 212502d | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea wissmannii v. eremastrum, TM KSA112 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbea wissmannii, RH 803 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbeanthus conjunctus | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbeanthus conjunctus, PVB 6990 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbeanthus hardyi | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbeanthus hardyi, PVB 7020 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Orbeopsis huillensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ornithogalum anguinum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ornithogalum dubium (orange flower) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ornithogalum dubium (white flower) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ornithogalum longibracteatum, JIL044 | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ornithogalum sardienii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ornithogalum sp. (white flower) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Ornithogalum sp. nov. | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Othonna arbuscula | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna armiana | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna armiana x herrei | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna cacalioides | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna clavifolia | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna cremnophylla | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna cyclophylla | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna euphorbioides | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna filicaulis D | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna furcata | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna hallii | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna hederifolia | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna herrei | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna herrei x cremnophylla | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna heterophylla | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna intermedia | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna lepidocaulis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna litoralis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna lobata | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna macrosperma | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna obtusiloba | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna papaveroides | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna pinnata | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna rechingeri | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna retrorsa | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna sp. aff. heterophyllum | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna sp. nov | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna sp. nov. | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna sp. nov. aff. lepidocaulis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna triplinervia | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna tuberosa | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Othonna wrinkleana | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Oxalis compressa | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Oxalis decaphyla, RM 66 | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Oxalis furcillata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Oxalis hirta | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Oxalis sp. (bonsai-like) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Oxalis sp. (with caudex) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachycormus discolor | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachycymbium carnosa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachycymbium dummeri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachycymbium umbomboense | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium aff. eburneum (big white flower) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium ambongense | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium baronii v. baronii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium baronii v. windsorii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium bicolor | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium bispinosum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium brevicaule | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium brevicaule (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium brevicaule (very compact grown) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium brevicaule ssp. leucoxanthum (white flower, GRAFTED) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium cactipes | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium decaryi | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium densiflorum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium densiflorum CRISTATE (grafted) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium densiflorum v. brevicalyx | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium densiflorum v. densiflorum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium densiflorum v. fianarantsoa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium eburneum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium eburneum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium geayi | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium horombense | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium inopinatum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium inopinatum × densiflorum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium lamerei v. ramosum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium lealii ssp. lealii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium lealii ssp. saundersii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium makayense | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium menabeum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium meridionale | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium mikea | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium namaquanum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium rosulatum v. delphinense | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium rosulatum v. drakei | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium rosulatum v. gracilius | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium rosulatum v. rosulatum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium rosulatum v. stenanthum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium rutenbergianum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium sofiense | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium sp. nov. aff. densiflorum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium sp. nov. aff. eburneum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium sp. nov. aff. eburneum WHITE FLOWER | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium succulentum (pink flower) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium succulentum (white flower) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium succulentum v. griquense | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pachypodium succulentum v. succulentum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pectinaria articulata ssp. articulata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pectinaria longipes | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pectinaria pillansii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pectinaria punctatus | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pedilanthus tithymaloides v. variegata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium aestivale | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium alchemilloides | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium alternans | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Pelargonium alternans | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium anethifolium | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium antidysentericum ssp. zonale | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium appendiculatum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium aridicola | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium aridicola sp. nov. | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium aridum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium aristatum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium articulatum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium asarifolium | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium auritum ssp. auritum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium barklyi | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium boranense | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium bowkeri | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium caffrum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium campestre | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium carneum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium carnosum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium caroli-henrici | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium christophoranum | 14°C | sunny | low |  |
Pelargonium cortusifolium | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Pelargonium cotyledonis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium cotyledonis 'Ventnor' | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium crassicaule | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Pelargonium crassipes | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Pelargonium crithmifolium | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Pelargonium curviandrum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium cv. Ardens | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium cv. Friesdorf | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium desertorum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium dipetalum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium echinatum | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Pelargonium fergusoniae | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium ferulaceum | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Pelargonium fissifolium | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium fulgidum | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Pelargonium grenvilleae sp. nov. | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium heterophyllum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium hirtipetalum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium hirtum | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Pelargonium hystrix | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Pelargonium incrassatum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium incrassatum (cerise flower) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium incrassatum (pink flower) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium klinghardtense | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Pelargonium laxum | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Pelargonium leipoldtii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium leipoldtii (Syn.: dipetalum) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium leptum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium lobatum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium longifolium | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium luridum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium luteolum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium luteum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium magenteum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium mirabile | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Pelargonium moniliforme | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium namaquense | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium nephrophyllum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium nervifolium | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium oblongatum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium ochroleucum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium oreophilum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium ovale | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium paniculatum | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Pelargonium parvipetalum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium petroselinifolium | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium pinnatum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium praemorsum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium proliferum sp. nov. | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium pulchellum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium pulverulentum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium punctatum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium quinquelobatum | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Pelargonium radiatum sp. nov. | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium radicatum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium radulifolium | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium rapaceum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium rapaceum (yellow flower) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium schizopetalum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium sericifolium | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium sibthorpifolium | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium sidoides | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium sp. (geophyte) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium sp. aff. aestivale | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium sp. aff. desertorum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium sp. aff. leptum (pink flower) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium sp. nov. | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium sp., SU 80354 | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium spinosum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium succulentum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium sulphureum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium ternifolium | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium triandrum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium tricolor (Syn.: violareum) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium trifoliatum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium trifoliolatum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium triphyllum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium triste | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium viciifolium sp. nov. | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium vinaceum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium vinaceum sp. nov. | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium violiflorum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium worcesterae | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pelargonium xerophyton | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Pentagonanthus grandiflorus ssp. glabrescens | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pentagonanthus grandiflorus ssp. glabrescens | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Peperomia asperula | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia asperula v. compacta, GP 917 | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia cereoides | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia columella | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia cv. Cactusville, BGH 70496 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia cyclamoides | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia dolabella | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia dolabriformis | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia dolabriformis, PCO 3051-05 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia ferreyae | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia fraseri (XL flowers) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia graveolens | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia liclicensis, GP 694 | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia macrorhiza | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia maijeri, WK 670 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia meridana | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia monticola (with tuber), RM 109 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia naviculaefolia, GP 1189 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia nivalis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia nivalis × dolabriformis, HBG 70496 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia nivalis f. diminuta f. nov., RM 276 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia nivalis v. compacta, GP 909 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia nivalis, CS 1411 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia nivalis, RM 273 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia pereskiifolia | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia sincorana | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia sp. (geophyte with tuber) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia sp. aff. asperula | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia sp. aff. campylotropa (tuber), RM 130 | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia sp. aff. peruviana | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia sp. nov. (with tuber), RM 109 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia sp. nov. aff. rubella, TM 237 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia sp. September 2009 | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia sp., BLMT 237 | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia sp., WK 2029 | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia strawii, RM 281 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia verticillata | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Peperomia wolfgang-krahnii, WK 662 | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Petopentia natalensis | 6°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Petrocosmea forrestii | 10°C | 50% shaded | low |  |
Phemeranthus brachypodius (pink flower, 2.5 cm) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Phemeranthus brevicaule (magenta flower, 2 cm) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Phemeranthus palmeri (nocturnal, white flower, 2 cm) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Phemeranthus parvulus (yellow flower) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Phemeranthus spinescens (purple flower, 1.5 cm) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Phemeranthus teretifolium (purple flower, 2 cm) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Phyllanthus mirabilis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Piaranthus barrydalensis | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Piaranthus comptus | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Piaranthus cornutus, RH 654 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Piaranthus decorus ssp. cornutus | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Piaranthus decorus ssp. decorus, PVB 7203 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Piaranthus disparilis | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Piaranthus framesii | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Piaranthus geminatus | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Piaranthus pallidus | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Piaranthus parvulus, D 937 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Piaranthus parvulus, IB 7443 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Piaranthus punctatus | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Piaranthus punctatus v. framesii, PVB 7846 | 10°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Pilea peperonioides | 6°C | 30% shaded | low |  |
Plectranthus ernestii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Plectranthus mzimvubuensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Plectranthus pentheri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Plumeria rubra ssp. acutifolia (red flower) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Plumeria sp. cv. Chompoo Pet (red, white, yellow) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Plumeria sp. cv. CKH (pink) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Plumeria sp. cv. CPP (white and pink) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Plumeria sp. cv. DGN (violet) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Plumeria sp. cv. KPO (white) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Plumeria sp. cv. LAN (yellow) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Plumeria sp. cv. Leuang Suphan (yellow) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Plumeria sp. cv. LGS (white with yellow centre) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Polygonaceae sp. (caudex) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Portulaca coralina, SOM 25 | 14°C | sunny | low |  |
Portulaca molokiniensis | 14°C | sunny | low |  |
Pseudolithos caput-viperae (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pseudolithos cubiformis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pseudolithos dodsonianus | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pseudolithos dodsonianus (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pseudolithos eylensis sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pseudolithos harardheranus | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pseudolithos mccoyi | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pseudolithos migiurtinus | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pterodiscus angustifolius (yellow flower) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pterodiscus aurantiacus | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pterodiscus cinnabarinus sp. nov. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pterodiscus elliotii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pterodiscus elliottii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pterodiscus kellerianus | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pterodiscus luridus | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pterodiscus luridus | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pterodiscus makatiniensis sp. nov. (yellow flower) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pterodiscus ngamicus | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pterodiscus ngamicus | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pterodiscus ngamicus | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pterodiscus ruspolii (large form) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pterodiscus ruspolii (yellow flower) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pterodiscus sp. nov. | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pterodiscus sp. nov. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pterodiscus sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pterodiscus sp. nov. (yellow flower) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pterodiscus speciosus | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Pyrenacantha kaurabassana | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Pyrenacantha kaurabassana (Syn.: vitifolia) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Pyrenacantha malvifolia | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Quaqua acutiloba | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Quaqua incarnata ssp. incarnata, RH 694 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Quaqua mamillaris | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Quaqua mammillaris | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Quaqua mammillaris, RH 674 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Quaqua mammillaris, RH 698 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Quaqua sp., PV 842A | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Quaqua sp., RH 635 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Quaqua sp., RH 677 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Raphionacme angolensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Raphionacme bingeri | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Raphionacme borenensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Raphionacme burckei | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Raphionacme flanaganii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Raphionacme globosa (salmon flower, non twining) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Raphionacme hirsuta | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Raphionacme longifolia | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Raphionacme longituba | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Raphionacme lucens | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Raphionacme madiensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Raphionacme madiensis (green-purple flowers) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Raphionacme madiensis (green-purple flowers) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Raphionacme madiensis (green-red flowers) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Raphionacme monteiroae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Raphionacme procumbens | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Raphionacme sp. Mafinga | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Raphionacme zeyherii | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rauhia peruviana | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Resnova megaphylla | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon aff. sheilae, RH 872 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon arachnoidea | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon ciliatum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon ciliatum, RH 265 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon ciliatum, Tom McCoy | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon ciliatum, Tom McCoy YEM 87 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon fulleri | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon macrolobum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon macrolobum (green flower), RH 275 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon macrolobum v. minima | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon macrolobum, PH 1200 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon macrolobum, PH 1312 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon macrolobum, RH 810 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon macrolobum, RH 825 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon macrolobum, RH 900 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon macrolobum, Tom McCoy YEM 92 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon macrolobum, Tom McCoy YEM 94 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon paradoxum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon pseudosubscandens | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon sheilae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon sheilae, RH 902 | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon sp | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon specksii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon splendidum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon splendidum x macrolobum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Rhytidocaulon subscandens | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Richtersveldia columnaris | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Sansevieria abyssinica, RH 254 | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria bella sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria braunii | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria canaliculata | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria cylindrica v. patula | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria dawei | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria downsii | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria downsii (blue form) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria ehrenbergii 'Salaf' | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria fischeri | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria fischeri (singularis) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria forskaoliana, RH 254 | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria francisii, FKH 432 | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria grandis | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria hallii (green form) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria kirkii v. pulchra 'Coppertone' | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Sansevieria parva | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria pearsonii | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria perrotii | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria pfisteri | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria pinguicula | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria robusta | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria roxburghiana (zeylanica), RH 32 | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria roxburghiana, RH 32 | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. VARIEGATED | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. (blue leaves, rough) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. (blue leaves, smooth) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. (greyish roots) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. (km 12, green form - wide leave) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. (km 15, green form) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. (red roots) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. (smooth leave with zig-zag patterns) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. (spoon-like leaves) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. (wide leave) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. aff, downsii | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. aff. bella | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. aff. braunii | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. aff. braunii | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. aff. ehrenbergii | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. aff. fischeri | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. aff. gracilis | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. aff. S. suffruticosa | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. aff. S. volkensii | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. aff. zanzibarica | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. from Kitonga Gorge | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. nov. | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. nov. (km 42 - blue form) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. nov. (km 45 - blue form) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. nov. aff. bella | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. nov. aff. arborescens | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria sp. nov. aff. ballyi | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria stuckyi | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria suffruticoa | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Sansevieria suffruticosa | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Sarcocaulon camdeboense | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sarcocaulon ciliatum | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sarcocaulon crassicaule | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sarcocaulon flavescens | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sarcocaulon herrei | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sarcocaulon inerme | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sarcocaulon lavrani sp. nov. | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sarcocaulon l'heritieri | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sarcocaulon marlothii | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sarcocaulon mossamedense | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sarcocaulon mossamedensis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sarcocaulon multifidum | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sarcocaulon patersonii (golden form) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sarcocaulon pattersonii | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sarcocaulon pattersonii (golden form) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sarcocaulon peniculinum | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sarcocaulon salmoniflorum | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sarcocaulon salmoniflorum (giant form) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sarcocaulon vanderietiae | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sarcostemma socotranum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Sarcostemma sp. (genus?) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Sarcostemma stolonifera | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Scadoxus membranaceus | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Scadoxus multiflorus | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Schizobasis intricata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Schizobasis intricata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Schlechterella abyssinica | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Schlechterella africana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Scilla kirkii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Scilla natalensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Scilla sp. (white flower) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Scilla sp. (white flower) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Sedum frutescens | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sedum multiceps | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sedum sp., RM 92 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Sedum torulosum | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Senecio cephalophorus | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Senecio nyikensis | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Senecio obesa (deflersi) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Senecio oxyriifolius | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Senecio praecox | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Senecio sp. (globose caudex) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Senecio tuberosa | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Senna meridionalis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Sesamothamnus benguellensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Sesamothamnus busseanus | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Sesamothamnus guerichii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Sesamothamnus lugardii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Sesamothamnus rivae | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Sinningia aggregata (red) | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia aggregata (yellow), MP 0986 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia aghensis 'Aguia Branca' | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia aghensis 'Morro do Moreno', MP 0889 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia allagophylla | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia araneosa, MP 1069 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia brasiliensis 'Aguia Branca' | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia bulbosa, MP 0170 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia canescens | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia cardinalis | 10°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia cardinalis 'Innocent', MP 0112 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia cardinalis, MP 0458 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia cooperi | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia cooperi (Syn.: Rechsteineria cooperi) | 10°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia cv. Pretty Bell | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia defoliata, MP 1001 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia douglasii | 10°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia douglasii (red), MP 0469 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia elatior | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia eumorpha | 10°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia eumorpha | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia gigantifolia 'Caparao' | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia glazioviana, MP 0281 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia guttata, MP 0977 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia harleyi, MP 0483 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia hatschbachii 'Corupa', MP 1065 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia hatschbachii 'Iporanga', MP 0624 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia helioana, MP 0974 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia hyb. (cardinalis Skydiver x iarae) x self | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia hyb. (curtiflora x warmingii) x self | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia hyb. (eumorpha x mauroana) x self | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia hyb. (glazioviana x macropoda) x self | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia hyb. (insularis x magnifica) x self | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia hyb. (rupicola x magnifica) x self | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia hyb. (S. leucotricha x P. macropoda) x self | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia hyb. (S. reitzii x P. macropoda) x self | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia iarae | 10°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia iarae, MP 0176 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia incarnata 'Maranhao' | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia insularis, MP 0582 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia leopoldii, MP 0583 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia leucotricha | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia leucotricha (Syn.: Rechst. leucotricha) | 10°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia lineata, MP 0590 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia macrophylla, MP 1003 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia macropoda | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia macrorhiza (Syn.: Rechsteineria macrorhiza) | 10°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia macrostachya | 10°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia macrostachya | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia magnifica 'Nova Friburgo' | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia magnifica 'Piedale' | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia micans, MP 0891 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia nat. hyb. ('Florianopolis' x leopoldii x self | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia nivalis, MP 0600 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia piresiana, MP 1044 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia reitzii 'Corupa' | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia reitzii 'Iporanga' (magenta) | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia reitzii 'Iporanga' (red) | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia rupicola, MP 0609 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia sceptrum 'Macae de Cima' | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia sellovii | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia sellovii 'Purple Rain' | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia sp. (pink mutant x self) | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia sp. aff. aggregata 'Ilha Bela', MP 0159 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia sp. 'Antonio Dias' | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia sp. 'Arenicola', MP 1056 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia sp. 'Carangola', MP 0634 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia sp. 'Florianopolis' | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia sp. 'Globulosa', MP 0622 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia sp. 'Ibitioca', MP 1192 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia sp. 'Regina - Serra de Vista' | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia sp. 'Rio das Pedras', MP 1094 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia speciosa 'Buzios', MP 0728 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia striata, MP 0637 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia tubiflora (white flower) | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia valsuganensis, MP 0619 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia warmingii | 10°C | 50% shaded | normal |  |
Sinningia warmingii, MP 0144 | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Stapelia acuminata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia asterias, IB 7592 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia asterias, RH 609 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia baylissii, PVB 5008 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia cedrimontana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia dinteri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia divaricata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia engleriana | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia erectiflora, EA 865 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia flavirostris | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia flavopurpurea (yellow flower) | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia flavopurpurea, PVB 5138 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia flavopurpurea, PVB 7198 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia gettliffei | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia gettliffei, S073 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia glanduliflora | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia glanduliflora, PVB 0077 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia grandiflora | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia grandiflora, PVB 6910 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia hirsuta | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia hirsuta v. tsomoensis, PVB 2143 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia hirsuta, RH 532 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia kougabergensis, IB 7403 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia kwebensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia kwebensis, D. Plowes | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia kwebensis, DP 4758 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia kwebensis, DP 4785 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia leendertziae | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia longipedicellata | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia longipedicellata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia namaquensis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia obducta | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia paniculata ssp. paniculata, PVB 4739 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia paniculata ssp. scitula, PVB 6790 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia parvula | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia preatermissa, IB 10792 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia schinzii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia schinzii v. bergeriana, PVB 7999 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia schinzii v. schinzii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia scitula | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia shinzii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia similis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia sp. aff. hirsuta, RH 532 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia sp., RH 547 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelia unicornis, PVB 4457 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapelianthus arenarius | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Stapelianthus decaryi | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Stapelianthus hardyi | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Stapelianthus keraudrenae | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Stapelianthus madagascariensis | 14°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Stapeliopsis neronis | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapeliopsis pillansii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapeliopsis pillansii, PVB 5070 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapeliopsis saxatilis, IB 7480 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stapeliopsis saxatilis, PVB 6833 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stathmostelma fornicatum ssp. fornicatum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stathmostelma fornicatum ssp. tridentatum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stathmostelma gigantiflorum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stathmostelma gigantiflorum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stathmostelma gigantiflorum (Syn.: preatermissum) | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stathmostelma praetermissa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stathmostelma praetermissum | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stathmostelma spectabile | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stephania erecta | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stephania pierrei (Syn.: venosa) | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Stephania tuberose | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Stephania venosa | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Sterculia africana | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Sterculia rhynchocarpa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Stomatostemma monteiri | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Streptocarpus saxorum (small succulent leaves) | 10°C | 30% shaded | low |  |
Strophantus kombe | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Talinella sp. nov. | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Talinum cachaquiensis sp. nov. | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Talinum caffrum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Talinum multiflorum, RM 54 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Talinum napiforme | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Talinum napiforme, RM 69 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Talinum palmeri, RM 52 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Talinum parvulum f. nov., RM 53 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Talinum parvulum, RM 20 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Talinum portulacifolium | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Talinum punae, DJF 267 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Talinum tenuissimum | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tamus communis, RM 178 | 6°C | 30% shaded | normal |  |
Tavaresia angolensis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tavaresia angolensis CRISTATE | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tavaresia barklyi | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tavaresia barklyi × Orbea variegata | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tavaresia barklyii | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tenaris chlorantha | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tenaris filifolia | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tenaris rubella | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tenaris sp. (yellow flower) | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tinospora caffra | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tradescantia acaulis, RM 127 | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Tradescantia dracenoides, RM 127 | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Tradescantia navicularis | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Tradescantia sillamontana | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Tradescantia wrightii, RM 158 | 10°C | sunny | low |  |
Trematosperma cordatum | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Trichodiadema bulbosum | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tridentea aperta | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tridentea baylissii | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tridentea gemmiflora | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tridentea gemmiflora, IB 7404 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tridentea gemmiflora, RH 612 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tridentea parvipuncta v. parvipuncta, IB 7450 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tridentea pusilla, RH 716 | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Trochomeria macrocarpa ssp. macrocarpa | 10°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Trochomeria polymorpha | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Trochomeria polymorpha | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Trochomeriopsis diversifolia | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Tromotriche herrei | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tromotriche revoluta | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tromotriche revoluta cv. Surprise | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tulbaghia violacea | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Tylecodon albiflorus, PVB 7516 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon bayerianus | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon bodleyae | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon bodleyae, LAV 29768A | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon buchholzianus | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon buchholzianus v. fasciculatus | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon cacalioides | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon decipiens | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon ellaphieae | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon fragilis, SB 932 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon grandiflorus | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon grandiflorus, RM 232 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon hallii | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon hirtifolium | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon paniculatus | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon pearsonii (Syn.: luteosquamata) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon pygmaeus | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon racemosus | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon reticulatus | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon reticulatus ssp. phyllopodium | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon schaeferianus, LAV 30239 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon similis | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon singularis, PVB 8373 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon sinus-alexandri | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon sp. nov. | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon suffultus | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon sulphureus, LAV 29331 | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon torulosum | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon ventricosus | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon viridicolosa | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylecodon wallichii | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Tylosema esculenta | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Tylosema fassoglensis | 10°C | sunny | much |  |
Uncarina abbreviata | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Uncarina abbreviata (grafted) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Uncarina decaryi | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Uncarina grandidieri (yellow flower) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Uncarina hybrid (abbreviata x) grafted | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Uncarina leandrii | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Uncarina leandrii v. leandrii | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Uncarina leptocarpa (white flower) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Uncarina peltata | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Uncarina perrieri | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Uncarina platycarpa sp. nov. (yellow flower) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Uncarina roeoesliana | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Uncarina roeoesliana (lobed leaves) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Uncarina roeoesliana v. nov. (entire leaves) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Uncarina sakalava | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Uncarina sp. nov. (yellow flower) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Uncarina stellulifera (red flower) | 14°C | sunny | much |  |
Urginea epigea | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Vasconcellea parviflora | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Veltheimia bracteata | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Welwitschia mirabilis | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Whitesloanea crassa | 14°C | sunny | normal |  |
Xenia kurtzei (white flower) | 6°C | sunny | low |  |
Yucca endlichiana | 6°C | sunny | normal |  |
Zephyranthes grandiflora | 10°C | sunny | normal |  |
Zygosicyos pubescens | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Zygosicyos sp. nov. | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |
Zygosicyos tripartitus | 14°C | 30% shaded | much |  |